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Web-Based Modeling System for Water Quality and Fish Habitat Projections of Lakes

Author(s): Xing Fang; Ding Longjiang; Zhao Liang; Wan-Ran Zhang

Linked Author(s): Xing Fang

Keywords: Web-based computing; Lake water quality models; Client/server technology

Abstract: A modeling system (URL http: //lakefish. lamar. edu/), which can be accessed by any user via the Internet (World Wide Web), is developed to make water quality and fish habitat projections in small lakes (up to 20 km2). The projections require complex numerical models that integrate various physical and biochemical processes such as hydrodynamics, air-water surface exchange, and biochemical reactions. Basic concepts and methods for model projections are summarized. The system is designed for three user levels: the general public, inexperienced researchers, and experienced water quality modelers. The system is based on the three-tier web application architecture, which is divided into the client tier (web browser), the server tier (web server with servlet engine), and the database tier. The database tier currently stores information about weather conditions from 1961 to 1995 over 243 locations in the continental United States and a future climate scenario due to doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration. This study is to explore means by which advanced computing technology can facilitate software reuse, data sharing, and decision support through the Internet in the context of ecosystem management.


Year: 2001

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