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A Fully Coupled 1D & 2D System Specially Suited for Flooding Simulation

Author(s): M. M. Laguzzi; Guus S. Stelling; Karin De Brujin

Linked Author(s): Guus Stelling

Keywords: Flooding simulation; One and two dimensional hydrodynamicmodelling; Evacuation; Risk; Damage; Landscape planning

Abstract: The Delft Hydraulics' package Delft-FLS is specially suited to simulate two dimensional dynamic flow over initially dry land, as well as flooding and drying processes on every kind of geometry, in lowland and mountain areas. These features have been incorporated into a new flooding module known as “Overland Flow Module” within Delft Hydraulics' one dimensional system Sobek, giving birth to the package Sobek-Channel & Overland Flow also known as Delft-1D2D Flooding System. One or more two dimensional domains can be added to a 1D network (or the other way around). The 1D and 2D domains are automatically coupled at the 1D calculation points whenever they overlap each other. The 1D channel network and the 2D rectangular grid hydrodynamics are solved simultaneously using a robust finite difference scheme (Delft's scheme) and the Conjugated Gradients method. The Delft scheme is able to tackle steep fronts, sub-critical and supercritical flow. Two dimensional domains can be nested, providing a refining of the grid at the desired locations. Dam-break/dike breaks can easily be simulated using, among other possibilities, the controlled structures from the 1D system. This approach speeds computations, while modelling in detail where needed. The user friendly interface allows the simultaneous observation of 1D and 2D results. This system facilitates the study of flood events on natural river basins, polders, channel-networked regions, urban areas and coastal areas.


Year: 2001

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