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The Sava River Flood Forecast and Srednje Posavlje Flood Control Efficiency

Author(s): Dusan Trninic

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Keywords: Sava river; Flood; Forecast; Flood control; Odra canal; LateralJankomir spillway

Abstract: The disastrous Sava River flood near Zagreb, which reached its peak on October 26,1964, was one of the heaviest floods recorded in the Republic of Croatia. On that day, the absolutely highest water level of 514 cm was recorded, while the flow rate was 3.128 m`3 s-1. Total water wave volume was 1.228 106 m`3. It should be mentioned that the volume of the previous wave of 426106 m`3, was also considerable. The direct damage caused by the flood alone were immense: 17 casualties, 50.000 homeless, 10.000 completely destroyrd residential units, 3.297 farm buildings, 120 damaged company properties and the like. The intensity of the flood is best illustrated by the fact that the direct damage from 1964 flood reached 9.18 % of the national product of the Republic of Croatia. Following the flood, the development of the Multipurpose Hydrodevelopment Solution of the Srednje Posavlje was initiated, including construction of dykes, flood release canals, retentions, spillway embankments, weirs, hydropower structures, and other water structures. Although the system has not been finished, the experts forecast with high probability that recurrence of the 1964 flood in not probable. However, account should always be taken of possible major floods in the future. The paper also describes the lateral Jankomir Spillway, a key structure in the Odra Flood Diversion Canal and the Srednje Posavlje Flood Control System intakes. Particular attention has been paid to development and application of hydrologic forecasting of floods and undertaking of adequate flood control measures.


Year: 2001

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