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Local Scour in Circular Piles and Pile Groups, in Physical Models with Coal Beds

Author(s): Brea; Jose Daniel; Spalletti; D. Pablo

Linked Author(s): José Daniel Brea

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: This paper shows the results obtained from the studies on local scour on isolated elements and pile groups, with different configurations relating to element separation and current attack angles. The tests were carried out in physical models with coal beds. The objective was to minimize the scale effects in great sand river models, such as is the case of the Parana river in Argentina (average discharge= 16000m3/s, maximum registered discharge=60000m3/s, and a river bed representative diameter in the study zone= 300 m m). The use of coal, which has a specific gravity lower that sand and enough availability in the market, allows to fulfill the objectives sought. Of the total cases studied, those of simplest configuration are totally or partially developed in the specific bibliography on this topic. In those cases, the results have been compared to the ones of other investigators as well as with some of the most used equations for the design. There are great coincidences, both in the values of the maximum scour, as well as in the geometric configurations in the local scour, which supports the results obtained in the rest of the tests carried out.


Year: 2001

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