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Sediment Yield in Ishite Watershed Using a Runoff-Erosion Kinematic Model

Author(s): Celso A. G. Santos; Koichi Suzuki; Walszon T. A. Lopes

Linked Author(s): Koichi Suzuki

Keywords: Erosion; Surface runoff; Physically-based model

Abstract: A kinematic distributed model named as KINEROS2 is applied for the first time in a river basin in Japan in order to simulate the runoff and sediment yield of several rainfall events during the rainy season of 1997. The physical basis of the model assures its applicability to areas with climatic differences and makes it suitable for large areas with heterogeneous reality. Thus, the model can in principle overcome many of the deficiencies of empirical and conceptual models. The results showed that the model can be used as a useful tool for such simulations in Ishite river basin as well, it can be considered a promising tool for application in other similar regions.


Year: 2001

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