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Study on Abutment Scour in Two-Stage Channels

Author(s): Siow-Yong Lim; Guoliang Yu

Linked Author(s): Siow-Yong Lim

Keywords: Butment scour; Two-stage channels; Floodplain; Scour prediction; Maximum scour depth

Abstract: This paper presents the results of an experimental study on clear water scour around a vertical-wall abutment terminating in the main channel of two-stage channels. The abutment is orientated perpendicular to the approach flow direction. A total of 24 experiments were conducted in two flumes under different approach flow conditions in the main channel. The scour depth prediction formula proposed by Lim (1997) for a single rectangular channel is modified for the abutment scour in the two-stage channels. Comparisons between the calculated and experimental results from the present study and Dongol (1994) showed that the modified formula is reasonable in predicting the maximum scour depth for abutment terminating in the main channel (Type II abutment scour).


Year: 2001

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