Author(s): Caixin Wang; Zhanhai Zhang; Keguang Wang
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Keywords: WAMC4; Significant wave height; Hindcast; Altimeter data; Calibration
Abstract: The primary objective of this work is to develop an operational model to forecast the wave caused by typhoon storm in offshore area of the China Sea. In this paper, the WAMC4 model is employed to hindcast the waves induced by typhoon 9914, which caused the most extensive damage to the Minnan coastal areas after typhoon5308 during the past 40 years. Because of the limitation of computer, the grid size of 1/6° is chosen in both longitude and latitude, and the domain covers 10~30N in latitude and 110~130E in longitude. As for the regular observation, only the coastal station measurements are available in this area, so in the first step, we compared the simulated significant wave height with that of the observation and find the WAMC4 model can reproduce the growth of the waves effectively. As the further comparison, the simulated results are also compared with the satellite altimeter data, and we find the satellite data is generally greater than the simulated data, even when the Cotton's calibration functions are adopted. Because the Cotton's corrections are made according to the comparison of satellite data with US buoy, a new calibration correction in China Sea is needed presenting, which is a major work in the future.
Year: 2001