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Directional Wave and Current Measurements Using S4Adw

Author(s): Amir Etemad-Shahidi

Linked Author(s): Amir F. Etemad-Shahidi

Keywords: Wave measurement; S4; Field study; Directional wave andcurrent; Bushehr

Abstract: Simultaneous measurements of wave, current and tide has always been of interest in field studies. The performance of the instruments and their predeployment, deployment and data retrieval and processing are the main concerns for the field engineers. This paper attempts to discuss about the abovementioned issues during a field study in port of Bushehr, Persian gulf. The instrument used was a S4ADW electromagnetic current meter deployed on the sea floor in a depth of about 18 m. The instrument was set up to collect directional wave and tidal data simultaneously but with different sampling frequencies for a period of one month during a moderate wind condition in summer. The collected wave data was processed by using Wave for windows software on a Pentium 433 Hz PC. The results and the experience obtained during this field trip are presented and the advantage and disadvantages of the S4ADW both from theoretical and practical points of view are discussed. It will be shown that this instrument and the accompanying softwares are very user friendly and can be used easily in the field.


Year: 2001

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