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A Practice in Groundwater Resource Management by Means of Telemeter System

Author(s): Kuniaki Sato; Kazumasa Ito; Shigeru Kobayashi

Linked Author(s): Kuniaki Sato, Kazumasa Ito

Keywords: Groundwater management; Land subsidence; Telemeter system

Abstract: The overexploitation of groundwater resource has caused severe land subsidence since the end of 1950's in Japan. Today, the land subsidence is brought under control as the result of legal regulations of groundwater resource exploitation in addition to switchover of groundwater resource to river water. A new plan of groundwater resource management using telemeter system on groundwater head and land subsidence to attain a sustainable groundwater resource development with zero-land subsidence is expected when demanding much groundwater resource. In an idea of groundwater resource management two criteria on managing groundwater head and optimized extraction over a basin are introduced. An optimal distribution of extraction rates in local areas/sub-basins is assigned over a whole basin using a newly developed numerical algorithm coupled groundwater simulation with linear programming under a set of operating constraints. Online data for monitoring groundwater extraction, land subsidence and groundwater head are collected through telemeter-equipped observation wells. When groundwater head withdraws below managing critical ones in a whole basin, manager/administrator can announce officially staged warning information to groundwater exploitors for reducing groundwater pumping-up. The system gives effect to check land subsidence and overexploitation. The study introduces a practice of groundwater resource management by means of telemeter system in Saitama basin, Japan.


Year: 2009

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