Author(s): K. P. Dula; Y. Shimizu
Linked Author(s): Yasuyuki Shimizu
Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: The fluctuations of the bank strength against erosion were observed in the recent experiments conducted on the cohesion mixed flood-plain with the layered sediments. Time dependent consolidation, cohesion variation and the discharge fluctuations are the main parameters that affect the bank strength fluctuations. The cohesive material properties and its self consolidation behavior lead to the self increment of the density and the corresponding failure stresses. On increasing the cohesion in the mixture, the failure stress was found to increase up to certain extent and reaches maximum values around 30% of cohesion and then decreases for further increase in cohesion in the mixtures. Also, the judgment during discharge fluctuations in the channel shows significant variations in the failure stresses for high and low flow cases. Finally these phenomena drive towards the hysteresis behavior due to cohesive sediment transport considering the process as erosion and transport, deposition and settling and consolidations etc.
Year: 2009