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Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Bed Load Flux in Unsteady Open Channel Flows

Author(s): M. S. Guney; G. Tayfur; S. Elci; G. Bombar; A. Bor

Linked Author(s): Sebnem Elci

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: In this study, the sediment transport is investigated experimentally and theoretically. The experiments are performed in a flume with a mobile bed consisting of uniform sand of50D = 4.8 mm. The bed load transport experiments are carried out by generating a triangular shaped hydrograph with clear water and also those with sedimentograph. The experimental system contains a rectangular channel 80 cm wide, 18.6 m long and 75 cm high with a bottom slope of 0.005. The velocities are measured by UVP. The transported bed load is collected by sediment baskets located at the downstream part of the flume and weighed upon drying of the sediments. The experimental findings are quantitatively evaluated and compared with the results obtained from the one dimensional unsteady and non-equilibrium numerical sediment transport model. Experimental results are compatible with those obtained from numerical solution of the relevant differential equations. Some observed discrepancies are in acceptable level.


Year: 2009

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