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Computational Process Analysis for Multi-Reservoir-Based Flood Control and Management Software Systems

Author(s): Shengyang Li; Arthur E. Mynett

Linked Author(s): Arthur Mynett

Keywords: Computational process; Flood control; Flood management; Multi-reservoir; Rule; Software; System

Abstract: Multi-reservoir-based flood control and management software systems can be very complicated because of the complexity of the computation of flood control regulation and management. This article focuses on the study of the computational process that is needed to carry out the management strategies, real-time control and management schemes as well as on supporting decision making. A number of reservoirs (reservoir group) logically working together implies that there should be rules about the joint use of these reservoirs as well as rules for the related river reaches and their nearby branches, and also individual rules for each of the reservoirs. Then the rules are at different levels. In this article, the basic computational processes for reservoir regulation and the jointly operation regulation are analyzed in terms of general computational modules. Then, the rule-controlled computational processes for certain system functions are studied with a common multi-reservoir basis.


Year: 2009

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