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Detached Hydraulic Jump Upstream a Fixed Obstacle in Supercritical Flow

Author(s): E. Mignot; N. Riviere; K. Chakraverty

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Keywords: Obstacle; Supercritical flow; Experiments; Numerical calculation; Hydraulic jump

Abstract: We characterize the interaction of a supercritical open channel flow with an emerged obstacle. A detached hydraulic jump and a horseshoe vortex are observed upstream from the obstacle. For turbulent inflow conditions, the so-called “Breaking” flow type takes place and the jump detachment length is larger than the horseshoe vortex detachment. The jump curve is hyperbolic as showed in aerodynamics while the horseshoe vortex curve is elliptic. In the present paper we focus on the detachment length of the hydraulic jump. In a first step, we experimentally reveal the influence of the flow and obstacle parameters on the detachment length. In a second step, we investigate the effect of the horseshoe vortex by removing it artificially in 3D numerical calculations with the use of a slip condition on the bottom. Finally, in a third step, we adapt an analytical model initially developed for predicting the shock wave location in supersonic aerodynamic flows to the present configuration and compare the prediction of the detachment length with the measured and computed lengths.


Year: 2011

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