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Estimation of Climate Change Impact on Daily River Inflows Using a Consistent Method Across the Murray-Darling Basin

Author(s): J. Teng; J. Vaze; F. H. S. Chiew; B. Wang; J-M. Perraud; S. Marvanek

Linked Author(s): Jin Teng

Keywords: Climate change; Runoff; River inflows; River system modelling

Abstract: The Murray-Darling Basin Authority and state water agencies run river system models to support water planning and management. The different agencies use different models that are appropriate for their modelling needs. This paper describes a consistent method for modelling the potential impact of climate change on inflows across the Murray-Darling Basin. The use of a consistent and robust method across boundaries and jurisdictions is important for linked river system modelling across the basin to compare the impact of the changes in one part of the basin to another. This method uses future climate projections from state-of-the-art global climate models and regionalised rainfall-runoff models, and a scaling method to scale the historical inflows to reflect future inflows for the river system modelling. The results from this study are used for the river system modelling to guide water planning in the basin.


Year: 2011

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