Author(s): C. Villaret; N. Huybrechts; A. G. Davies; O. Way
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Keywords: Morphodynamic modelling; Estuary; Bed roughness; Friction
Abstract: The bed roughness coefficient is identified as a highly sensitive parameter in morphodynamic models. Different methods can be used to prescribe the bottom roughness: the bed roughness can be either considered as a calibration coefficient or predicted as a function of the mean flow and sediment parameters. The effect of the friction coefficient is illustrated here, based on two applications: the large macro-tidal Gironde estuary, located in southwest France on the Bay of Biscay and the Dee estuary in Liverpool Bay on the Irish Sea. Both 2D hydrodynamic and morphodynamic models of the Telemac hydro-informatic system have been applied in a coupled way, to calculate the medium term bed evolution.
Year: 2011