Author(s): Frank Steinbacher; Martin Pfennigbauer; Robert Klar; Markus Aufleger
Linked Author(s): Robert Klar, Markus Aufleger
Keywords: Bathymetry; Airborne Laser Altimetry; Shallow Water Areas; Full Waveform Analysis; Hydromorphology; Hydraulic; Ecology and Climate Change
Abstract: Reservoir sedimentation or river degradation, water flow and water level dynamics, structure and zone variations of rivers, riparian areas or estuaries or the relationships between abiotic physical parameters and biotic responses – in order to measure, to evaluate and to study all these subjects, the continuous or at least repetitive monitoring of water bodies is essential. A regular, repeated monitoring as a fixed constant for surveillance, operation, investigation and reference is needed. Bathymetric measurements are the basis for every close to reality study and task. Conventional methods like mechanical or sonic systems require major labour input, time and costs. Based on the ambitious aims of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) a multi-disciplinary research and the implementing of a comprehensive water body management started. Therefore hydrological, hydrodynamic, morphological, ecological and socio-economic processes need to cross work to reach the efforts of the extensive management plans in Europe, especially regarding the contemporary objectives and the monitoring demands. With the intention to provide a spatial surveying of shallow water areas (river, standing water, coastal areas) the technique of laser ranging and LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) has been adopted, further explored and extended to aspects of fullwaveform analysis to meet the present and future demands of area-wide shallow water survey (airborne hydromapping). Additionally it was transferred on a new research concept to cover the main fields of impact of our water bodies (HydroC onnect).
Year: 2011