Author(s): Dan Spiller
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Keywords: Level of Service objectives; Regional water balance model; SEQ Water Grid
Abstract: This paper discusses the basis for water security adopted in South East Queensland using the Level of Service objectives (LOS) approach and in particular, how LOS and analytical modelling techniques form the basis for making critical water supply planning and operational decisions to ensure that water security objectives are achieved. The LOS approach provides a set of objectives for the performance of urban water supply and a framework for assessing the system yield that will meet those objectives. The methodology incorporates an assessment of potential climate change and variability that moves away from traditional analysis based on historical data alone and allows for consideration of potential droughts of greater severity than have previously been recorded. The modelling work undertaken to date is part of an ongoing program of work for water supply planning in SEQ. The models will be subject to further refinement, particularly with regard to the assessment of climate change and variability impacts.
Year: 2011