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Development of an Input-Output Model for Irrigation and Land Use Management

Author(s): Eva Fenrich; Fabio Italiano; Manuel Haas; Walter Marx

Linked Author(s): Eva Fenrich

Keywords: Input-Output Model; Irrigation; Venezuela; Water Management; Export Coefficient Method

Abstract: In a case study an input-output model was developed for an irrigation scheme in Venezuela. Different irrigation and drinking water users compete for water in the study area. As a first step a qualitative input-output graph was set up. To quantify the model, transformation coefficients were derived by evaluating socio-economic, economic and ecological effects of irrigation. Specific indicators for the relationship between irrigation water, agricultural production and income were valuated. Water needs were calculated using CROPWAT and AquaCrop. To determine relationships between different irrigation and land management strategies and water quality the Export-Coefficient method was adapted and applied to irrigated areas. The feasibility of different land use and irrigation scenarios was evaluated by setting up agricultural products and income requirements as an end user vector from which needed resources for each scenario can be derived. The case study showed that input-output models could provide a useful tool in water management.


Year: 2011

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