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The Use of Doppler Methods for Measuring Velocity and Discharge in Streams LESs Than 1.5 M Depth

Author(s): C. J. Ward; L. Pimble

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Keywords: Doppler; ADV; Velocity; Low-flow; Shallow water; Discharge; Flow; Argonautwading

Abstract: While the use of acoustic Doppler technology for rivers up to 50 m deep has become commonplace over the past decade, the application of this technology to the measurement of flow in shallow streams and canals has only recently been considered. In regions around the world, the majority of hydrometric operations are conducted in very shallow streams where technicians can safely wade into the water. In addition, the water supply and irrigation industries have an increasing demand for robust and accurate measurement of flow in shallow open channels. This includes both instantaneous measurements for rating flow against stage and or/velocity as well as for the continuous monitor of flow in real time. In this paper, we describe the capabilities and limitations of some presently available SonTek acoustic Doppler instrumentation specifically designed for use in shallow open channels. These products operate at acoustic frequencies above 1.5 MHz and use both incoherent and coherent Doppler processing methods.


Year: 2003

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