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Research on Synergistic Evolution Between the River Channel and Floodplain in the Lower Yellow River

Author(s): Qiushi Luo, Moxi Wu, Zhanwei Wan, Yu Qian

Linked Author(s): Qiushi Luo

Keywords: Lower Yellow River, synergistic evolution; compound channel, siltation and scouring, bankfull discharge

Abstract: The Lower Yellow River is a typical compound channel in the upper reach with 5-12km in width and 0. 6-1. 0km wide. It is also a sandy river with 35kg/m3 multi-years averaged sediment concentration. The deposition and erosion in the Lower Yellow River and the bankfull discharge were analyzed based on the measured data of runoff and sediment. The index system was put forward, in which the riverbed erosion and deposition amount in the main channel and floodplain, the bankfull discharge are included. The action of the runoff and sediment on the synergy evolution between the main channel and floodplain in the Lower Yellow River was studied and a relationship model was built to forecast the erosion and deposition amount and bankfull discharge in the Lower Yellow River. Besides, the Lower Yellow River and estuary coupling simulation mathematical model was improved from the erosion/deposition section area division and the bankfull discharge estimation and the model validation was carried out using data from 1982 to 2012. Three different scenarios were designed, and for different scenarios the amount of multi-years averaged sediment into Yellow River of the future 50 years are designed as 8. 0�108t, 6. 0�108t and 3. 0�108t. The synergy evolution between the main channel and floodplain in the Lower Yellow River was simulated by the model built here. The result shows that the multi-years averaged deposition amount in the Lower Yellow River are 1. 6�108t, 1. 0�108t and 0. 01�108t for different scenarios. The minimum bankfull discharge will be reduced to 2900 m3/s~3100 m3/s for the 8. 0�108t Case and the 6. 0�108t Case, and for 3. 0�108t Case, the minimum bankfull discharge can maintain at about 4000 m3 /s


Year: 2017

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