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Description of Lin2K as an Example of Stucturing Web-Tools for Engineering Education

Author(s): S. J. Hadjileontiadou; G. J. Balafoutas

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Keywords: Lin2k; Engineering education; Professional skills; Collaborative skills; Web-based collaborative tool; Computer mediated collaboration

Abstract: In this paper a web-based educational tool, namely Lin2k is presented. With a series of methodologies and procedures that are integrated in its structure it contributes to academic and professional skills improvement. Lin2k prototype was developed, tested and scheduled to be applied since January 2003 in the Civil Engineering Department (Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering Division), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece. Since January 2003, it will be also operational and available, as stand alone software, providing a new media that can be easily integrated in the higher education curriculum as an educational tool. More information about Lin2k will be given in http: //reald. civil. auth. gr/.


Year: 2003

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