Author(s): E. V. Koutandos
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Keywords: Floating breakwater; Boussinesq wave model; Heave; Spectral analysis; Dynamic analysis
Abstract: The efficiency of heave motion floating breakwaters is studied in the present study numerically and experimentally in a large–scale environment. The finite-difference, mathematical model is based on the Boussinesq type equations. The flow under the floating breakwater is treated as confined flow separately. The pressure field beneath the floating structure is determined by solving implicitly the Laplace equation for the potential Φ of the confined flow using appropriate boundary conditions. The dynamic equation of heave motion of the breakwater is also solved with the consequent adjustments of the continuity equation. Numerical results are compared with experimental results satisfactorily concerning the performance and the dynamics of floating breakwaters. Spectral analysis reveals the influence of the heave motion of the structure on the hydrodynamic field. The final goal is to study the hydrodynamics of floating breakwaters in shallow and intermediate waters.
Year: 2003