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Application of Rng K-E Turbulence Model to Supercritical Bend Flow

Author(s): Bo Wang, Yunliang Chen, Chao Wu, Xiao Ma, Jiajun Song, Zhong Tian

Linked Author(s): Wang Bo

Keywords: Supercritical bend flow, RNG k�? model, free surface profile, velocity field, shear stress

Abstract: This work deals with a brief evaluation of the performance of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model, shallow water equations (SWE) model and analytical solution for predicting the water surface profiles of supercritical bend flows and the demonstration of the 3D characteristics of the velocity field and wall shear stress along a bend. Numerical simulations on supercritical bend flow are performed in this study using a 3D CFD model that solves the three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations using the finite-volume method. The volume of fluid (VOF) method is used to track the free water surface. The obtained outer and inner wall wave profiles, maximum and minimum depths and first wave crest and trough locations using the CFD model are successfully validated against laboratory measurements. A good agreement is also found between the CFD predictions and the analytical solutions for the free surface profiles. The CFD model appears to be more robust than the SWE one in reproducing the flow field for large approach Froude numbers. Velocity characteristics along the bend are captured by the CFD model, which are consistent with observations in physical model. The CFD simulation shows zones of high shear stress along the outer wall responding to each wave crest and ones on the bed located between two wave crests


Year: 2017

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