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Dam-Break in a Valley with Tributary

Author(s): A. Paquier

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: One of the problems dealing with public safety is dam-break. When a narrow valley lies downstream, the wave created by the water coming trough the broken dam advances rapidly (velocity as high as 50 km/h for an instantaneous failure). The development of 1-D numerical models solving shallow water equations leads nowadays to reasonable results at a cost much lower than physical models. Yet, 1-D numerical models cannot be easily applied in any case. Particularly, we shall be interested in the following case : when the front reaches a junction, at the same time, it continues downstream but also can go upstream in the tributary. This problem could be modelled by 2-D shallow water equations but in order to simplify computations, 1-D modelling is often kept. Then, the problem stays in sharing the discharge between the 2 valleys. Usually, flow in the tributary is not computed and it is supposed that, in the downstream valley, water depth is the same as without tributary and that, in the tributary, maximum water elevation is the same as at the junction


Year: 1995

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