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Modeling the Impact of Climate Change on the Runoff Kelantan River Basin

Author(s): Chee Loong Wong, Juneng Liew, Zulkifli Yusop

Linked Author(s): Chee Loong Wong

Keywords: Climate change, runoff, Kelantan

Abstract: Growing evidence of intensifying hydrological cycle due to global climate change leads to increasing interest in understanding large-scale interconnection between the atmospheric and the hydrological variables of land surface processes. However, the assessment and projections of climate change impact on runoff is always highly uncertain due to errors introduced at various modeling stages involved. In current study, five empirically downscaled global climate models (GCMs) outputs which have been bias corrected, were used to assess the hydrological processes, particularly refer to runoff component. The runoff of Kelantan river basin was projected based on the IPCC's RCP4. 5 and RCP8. 5 emission scenarios. Generally over the studied basin, all five GCMs projected increase in rainfall with a range between 6. 4% - 11. 6% and 6. 7% - 18. 3% under RCP4. 5 and RCP8. 5, respectively. The increase rainfall was found to associate with proportional increase in annual runoff at approximately 11. 7% to 22. 7% and 11. 7% to 36. 2% under RCP4. 5 and RCP8. 5, respectively. This is expected to have major implications for water resources planning and management in Kelantan river basin


Year: 2017

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