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Soft Protection Technique for Lagoons Using Oil Booms with a Mathematical Model

Author(s): Gennaro Bianco

Linked Author(s): Gennaro Bianco

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Recently, a mathematical model has been developed to supply, even under the influence of the wind which is variable both in its force and direction, the behaviour and the shape an oil boom takes on in a lagoon canal or in an estuary in order to stop the diffusion of oil substances such as hydrocarbons. As known, these substances can accidentally spill out both when loading or unloading oil tankers or when accidents happen during navigation, which is hard in these channels, to the loading and / or unloading terminals situated along the shores. Starting from a first generic configuration of the oil boom and from the position of the anchorage points, the model can supply the subsequent configurations the oil boom takes on during the rising and falling tide, and, therefore, getting the maximum value of normal speed on the boom. With this speed the model checks that the conditions of stop be respected.


Year: 1995

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