Author(s): Willi H. Hager, Oscar Castro-Orgaz
Linked Author(s): Willi H. Hager
Keywords: Cavitation damage, hydraulic experimentation, Ogee-spillway, pressure distribution, standard
Abstract: The design of the standard spillway crest geometry is considered based on the various advances in hydraulics from the early 20th century. Muller and Creager realized that this shape should be based on the lower nappe profile of the sharp-crested weir, so that the experimental data of Bazin served as reference. The shape was improved as the overflow depths of spillways increased, to finally reach values of up to 20 m. For these large depths, aspects of cavitation damage had to be considered, which was successfully implemented by the Spanish Abecasis in 1970. This study sketches the various elements necessary to design standard spillways in the modern dam environment; it also describes the main actors who gave their inputs with short biographies
Year: 2017