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Potentials and Constraints of Urban Polder Development in Jakarta, Indonesia. Case Study: Rawa Badak Polder

Author(s): Haryo Istianto, Fransiscus Xaverius Suryadi, Sumi Amariena Hamim

Linked Author(s): Haryo Istianto

Keywords: Urban polder, water management components, flood protection, drainage, SUDs

Abstract: Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia has developed urban polder systems to solve inundation problems in Jakarta. However, the inundation still occurred due to inadequate polder components, lack of the maintenance and land availability for polder development. The capacity of the polder system in Jakarta needs to be analyzed by investigating its potentials and constraints. Based on the analysis, conclusion and recommendations are proposed. Rawa Badak Polder in the north of Jakarta bay was selected as the study area. It is used to represent the polder issues in Jakarta. Polder components such as, dikes pumps or the open water storage were evaluated. Moreover, to deal with land availability for the demand of the open water storage in the dense area, Sustainable Urban Development System (SUDs) application of temporary retention basin was used. Based on the analysis, urban polder in Jakarta has met with many constraints during the development process such as lack of operation and maintenance, inadequate polder component and unavailability of space for polder component expansion. In the other side, the development of urban polder in Jakarta has been supported by topographical condition, road and river networks. In the existing condition, inundation still occurs in Rawa Badak Polder due to inadequate polder water management components. Dike does not cover the entire service area, pump capacity and open water storage were too small in comparison with the total service area. Dike utilization in Rawa Badak Polder reduce 40% of the inundation area. It shows that the independent hydrological condition in polder system is absolutely needed. Lower initial water levels at 1. 5 m below the surface reduce the inundation area and bring the dynamic storage effect, thus the retention capacity is increased. By using the graphic relation between pump capacity and open water area, one of the solution to cope inundation is to increase the pump capacity up to 16 m3/s or increase the open water area up to 2. 5%. SUDs application can be used as an approach to reduce the demand of the open water storage in Rawa Badak Polder. The combination between proper polder water management components design (dikes, open water storage, pumping and outlet capacity), good operation (proper initial condition) and the maintenance and SUDs application will solve the Inundation problem in Rawa Badak Polder. Based on this study, it can be concluded that urban polder development can be considered as one of the options to manage the flood problems especially in the northern part of Jakarta. With proper polder components design and SUDs application, the constraints of polder development can be overcome. Nevertheless, final solution should also consider about the economy and environmental analysis of the area


Year: 2017

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