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Ice Observation and Ice Thickness Modeling on the Grasse River 2003-2007

Author(s): Philip T. Hendershot; Nimal Jayasundara; Amy Picunas; Hung Tao Shen

Linked Author(s): Hung Tao Shen

Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: The Grasse River flows northeasterly for more than 55 miles in northern New York to the St. Lawrence River. In the lower 7 miles of the river, remediation options are being studied by Alcoa and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency to address elevated levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in fish, with the PCBs originating from the river bed sediments. In March 2003, an ice jam in the lower Grasse River caused hydraulic scour of a portion of the bed sediments. This ice event was well documented through a series of field and desktop studies. Since the ice scour event, annual observations of river ice conditions have been conducted to better understand ice formation and breakup processes on the river. Observations are documented using still and video photography, both from the ground and the air. Ice thickness is measured at key locations and these data are used to validate an ice growth and decay model. The information gathered through the ice observation program supports the engineering assessment of ice control alternatives, which are being considered as part of the sediment remediation effort. Data from the program are also used to predict the timing and severity of ice breakup as the season progresses. This paper summarizes findings from the past five winters and presents general observations on the ice formation and breakup processes on the Grasse River.


Year: 2008

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