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Strain-Controlled Cyclic Compression of Sea Ice

Author(s): Anne-Niekolai Heijkoop; Torodd Skjerve Nord; Knut Vilhelm Hoyland

Linked Author(s): Knut Hoyland, Knut Vilhelm Høyland

Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: This paper details the setup and results of an experimental campaign to investigate the constitutive behaviour of sea ice under cyclic compression. The ice samples were laboratory prepared sea ice, retrieved from horizontal cores with porosities ranging from 22-34 ppt and salinities ranging from 2-4. The displacement-controlled amplitude (10-100 μm) with a frequency (10-1 – 10-4 Hz) was applied after an initial compression of 1 MPa for regular tests and 0.2 MPa for observation tests. All tests were performed at a temperature of -10 ℃. The slow varying relaxation contribution of the measured strain was removed by a high-pass filter, enabling to extract the anelastic strain component at the frequency of interest. The experiments resulted in a reproducible compressive cyclic straining test, of which the hysteresis loops show the anelastic behaviour of the material at the tested frequency. The anelastic strains were compared with a model for stress-controlled experiments.


Year: 2018

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