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Using a Mixed Simulation-Optimization Method for Multi-Reservoir Flood Control Operation

Author(s): Xinyu Wan, Yangyang Zhang, Yandong Jing, Miaoyan Sun, Ping'An Zhong

Linked Author(s): Xinyu Wan

Keywords: Huai River, flood control, multi-reservoir, optimization, simulation

Abstract: Multi-reservoir flood control operation is an important nonstructural measure for reducing flood damage. With the increase in the number of reservoirs in watersheds, multi-reservoir operation is becoming increasingly difficult. There are three commonly used approaches to build simulation, optimization, and mixed simulation-optimization models for multi-reservoir operation. However, an optimal solution cannot be obtained using simulation models, a complex system is often simplified to excess using optimization models, and the computation burden of optimization models with the same scale as simulation models is usually high. Hence, a new mixed simulation-optimization method for multi-reservoir flood control operation is presented. Firstly, an overall simulation model was constructed based on the reservoir routing method and the reach routing method. Secondly, the downstream flood control effectiveness of each reservoir was analyzed, and the main reservoirs with an obvious flood control function were identified. Thirdly, operation of each main reservoir was set to the optimal mode to minimize the water volume exceeding the downstream safety release. The reservoir iterative algorithm was used for solving the optimization model. Finally, the mixed simulation-optimization model was applied to multi-reservoir flood control operation of Huai River, China. This case study demonstrated that the method improved flood control effectiveness, and decreased the computation burden


Year: 2017

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