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Design of an Instrumentation Board with Multi-Electrode Capacitance Type Ice Thickness Sensor

Author(s): Jinhua Fan; Jianmin Qin; Yinke Dou

Linked Author(s): Jianmin Qin

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: In this paper, based on different capacitance characteristic between air, ice and water, a plane with multi-electrode capacitance type ice thickness sensor is designed. It is a new kind of ice thickness detection sensor which can realize detecting ice thickness and water level under ice automatically, by measuring the capacitance of different layers of air, ice and water under ice. It is a sensor which is mainly combined with single chip microprocessor and electronic information collection, processing and transformation technology. Therefore the sensor has the advantages of simply structure, high resolution, the low-temperature adaptability, and anti-vibration ability, also adapts to be used in the field. The sensor has been applied to engineering test in the Yellow River in the Inner Mongolia, and has gotten a lot of experiment data which is precise, stable and basically identical with the actual measurement data. By way of taking advantage of mean value method and singular spectrum method to detailedly analyze the experiment data and make algorithm decision, and also doing simulation test in the Maxwell. Practicing proved that plane with multi-electrode capacitance layers of ice sensor have pin-point accuracy, close tolerance and high reliability and so on advantages.


Year: 2012

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