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Winter Low Discharge Process of Toudaoguai Section of Yellow River

Author(s): Jifeng Liu; Shiqing Huo; Suqiu Rao; Dongling Chen

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Abstract: The Ningxia-Inner Mongolia Reach of Yellow River forms ice every winter. The Toudaoguai section in the downstream part of this reach usually has a low discharge process because of the increasing flow resistance from ice cover after freeze-up. Since 1990s, the duration of low discharge at Toudaoguai hydrological station has increased due to climate change and human activities. This caused a series of problems, such as: rapid increase of channel-storage, continuous rise of water level, and more complex ice regime. Based on recent ice observation data, the influencing factors of low discharge processes are analyzed. The results show that the weather climate, channel sediment deposition, reservoir operation and river engineering have important influences on the discharge capacity of the Ningxia-Inner Mongolia Reach. In recent ten years, climate warming and extreme weather events, decrease of runoff from upstream, more severe channel deposition, channel artificial structures are the main reasons of the prolongation of the low discharge duration in Toudaoguai section.


Year: 2012

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