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Thermohaline Structure on the Surface of the Sea of Okhotsk Including the Ice Cover

Author(s): Mariya M. Shutova; Lev P. Jakunin

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Keywords: Sea of Okhotsk; Ice cover; Water temperature; Water salinity; Water density

Abstract: Data on distribution of temperature, salinity and water density on the surface under an ice cover of the Sea of Okhotsk practically are absent. The natural observations of temperature and water salinity of basins, free from ice, and also data of ice patrols, have allowed to approximate position of an ice edge in February with an isotherm of water below -1°C, and boundary of broken ice with an isotherm -1,7°C. In offshore water areas, according to coastal stations where there is a constant pushing of ice from coast, the temperature of water is reduced up to -1,8÷1,9°C. On basins without an ice cover actual observations of salinity have been used, and under an ice cover water salinity on the surface was accepted depending on temperature of freezing. The number of deep-water and passing observations of water temperature in February has made about 800 cases. Measurements of water temperature at coastal stations have exceeded 180, and observations of salinity were carried out only at deep-water stations on pure water in a southeast part of the sea and have made 273 cases. Data, and also materials of observations of ice cover were given from the archive of air observations of Far East State University. In the paper the generalized data are resulted. In result maps of water temperature, water salinity and water density on the surface of the Sea of Okhotsk in February of severe, moderate and warm years have been made.


Year: 2006

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