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Dynamics of Elements of Hydrotechnical Structures (HTS) Interacting with Ice Covering

Author(s): D. V. Kozlov; P. F. Sabodash

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Mathematical models of physical processes showing interaction of the ice cover with HTS elements have been built. Succession of stages of the work is as the following chain: physical representations – mathematical models – their realization. The following is considered as HTS elements: 1. The vertically located circular cylinder frozen into the ice cover on the side surface of which the plane front of the monochromatical flexural wave falls spreading in the ice cover. 2. The immersed into water vertical pile the lower end of which is rigidly fixed into the ground foundation perceiving a side impact of the ice floe floating on the water surface. 3. The slope of the ground dam on the inclined surface of which a floating ice floe surges. The impact dynamic ice load values necessary for exact prediction of strength, stability and reliability of HTS elements are rounded off.


Year: 2004

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