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Hydroplus Fusegate System: Analysis of Winter Monitoring Data at the Khorobrovskaya Hpp

Author(s): V. B. Rodionov; G. F. Onipchenko; Julien Rayssiguier

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: “Hydroplus” fusegates (fuse link) is innovative effective technology to reduce water level fluctuations at upstream during crest discharge pass and to increase operate reliability, because neither hoisting equipment, no power supply are needed for their service. Also fusegate technology basing on “fuse link” principle, ensures a pass of rare floods. Throughout the world fusegate technology becomes more popular being adopted both in hydrounits under construction and under renewal. However, up to now fusegates have been adopted mostly in the countries with warm or tropical climate. First in Russia these fusegates have been installed on the Dam of Khorobrovskaya midget power plant for testing service. Hydraulic Research Centre (HRC) of JSC NIIES performed spillway monitoring during two winters 2001-2002 and 2002-2003. Resulting material describe fusegate service properties in winter conditions. Analysis of obtained material and recommendations to expand fusegates application zone for the climatic conditions of Russia are given in the Paper. The conditions of ice pass during floods and winter discharge through the crest of fusegates are also under consideration. Some other constructions of fusegates type ensuring ice pass during overflow of flood discharge through the crest of fusegates, worked out in HRC of JSC NIIES, are proposed. Russian Utility RAO has built a 160-kW experimental hydropower plant on the NerlVolzhskaya River for field testing of new technologies. One such technology recently tested is the Hydroplus Fusegate System. Testing results show that the Fusegates can be a viable alternative to conventional gates, which have presented numerous problems in the past, for use on small HPP spillways, even in the harsh Russian winters.


Year: 2004

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