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1998 Break-up and Flood on the Yukon River at Dawson - DID El Nino and Climate Change Play a Role?

Author(s): Martin J. Jasek

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: During the break-up of the Yukon River at Dawson in May of 1998, an ice jam formed downstream of Dawson causing some minor flooding. The flood stage was the 6th highest in the last 100 years. Based on the winter and spring meteorological conditions, a stage of this magnitude was not expected. Also, the normally reliable break-up forecast algorithm did not perform satisfactorily. This paper examines the possible role of climate variability (El Nino) on the ice regime, break-up, break-up forecast, and flooding on the Yukon River in Dawson in 1997-1998. In addition to looking at the specific 1998 break-up, 100 years of break-up date records were analyzed and showed a significant trend towards earlier break-ups, possibly the result of climate change.


Year: 1998

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