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Assessing the Ecological Impact of an Ice Control Structure

Author(s): K. H. Nislow; J. H. Lever

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: A new ice-control structure (ICS) in the Lamoille River should reduce ice-jam flooding in Hardwick, Vermont, by arresting breakup ice runs and forming stable ice jams. We are monitoring changes in aquatic habitat and the populations of macroinvertebrates and fish associated with this structure. The structure has primarily increased the area of pool habitat immediately upstream, likely causing three ecological changes: a shift from riffle- to pool-dwelling species of macroinvertebrates, a seasonal increase in fish abundance upstream of it, and an increase in the proportion of mimic shiners (Notropis volucellus) near it. These changes are similar to those caused by habitat-restoration structures. However, we observed no influence on the abundance or distribution of salmonid fishes, which were very rare in all four study sections. Assessing the ecological impact of controlling ice breakup, the major effect of the ICS, will require longer term study.


Year: 1998

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