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Cracking During the Indentation Failure of S2 Columnar Ice

Author(s): Sang-Ryong Ko

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Cracking in ice loaded under a spherical indentor has been studied. Tests to failure were first conducted by pressing the indentor into the ice at a displacement rate of 0.038 mm/s while measuring the load of the indentor. Crushing was observed under the indentor and the failure by splitting or spallation occurred only after propagation of radial cracks or lateral cracks, which nucleated under the indentor. The growth of these radial and lateral cracks was studied further using pulse loading where the same indentor was pressed into the ice at a loading and unloading rate of 0.5KN/s. And the crack dimensions were measured between pulses. This loading rate resulted in an indentor displacement rate similar to that used previously.


Year: 1998

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