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Flow in the Compound Open Channel With Group of Column and Characteristics of Fish Behavior

Author(s): Muneyuki Aoki

Linked Author(s): Muneyuki AOKI

Keywords: Compound open channel, Reynold�s stress, columns, fish behavior.

Abstract: In this study, the aim is to make clear the characteristics of fish behavior flowing in compound open channel. Additionally, it also pays attention to whether a group of pile dike or trees is used in the evacuation place of fish. Therefore, the model experiments are carried out by using a compound cross-section open channel where the group of column (for example; group of pile dike, trees and all) has been set up, to measure the flow and to observe the movement of real fish. The real fish used for the experiment is Tribolodon hakonensis. 10 Tribolodon hakonensis are used for one experiment. The average body lengths (BL) are 0. 05 (m). These fish are common and popular in Japan. When the experiments are carried out, water temperature is 23~26 degree Celsius. In case of Run1, the fish are always swimming and moving on the wall side of left bank. Because flow velocity is rapid and columns are not set up, fish are not able to use the characteristic behavior of swimming against the flow and to evacuate. In case of Run2, fish move into the group of column where low flow-channel occurs because flow velocity decreases in the group of column. In case of Run3, the fish do not go into the group of column. Because secondary flow has developed, fish is swept away to the flood channel. Moreover, Reynold's stress increases when there is a group of column on the flood channel. Therefore, it is thought that the fish get stranded in the flood channel in this situation


Year: 2017

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