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Ice-Tank Studies of Physical and Biological Sea-Ice Processes

Author(s): H. Eicken; J. Weissenberger; I. Bussmann; J. Freitag; W. Schuster; F. Valero Delgado; K. -U. Evers; P. Jochmann; C. Krembs; R. Gradinger; F. Lindemann; F. Cottier; R. Hall; P. Wadhams; M. Reisemann; H. Kousa; J. Lkavalko; G. H. Leonard; H. Shen; S. F. Ackley; L. H. Smedsrud

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Ice-growth experiments were carried out in an Environmental Test Basin to study the evolution of the microstructure and physico-chemical characteristics of the ice as well as the growth and development of seaice biological conununities as a function of the relevant boundary conditions (thermal forcing, current velocity, waves etc. ). Linkages between salt and heat fluxes and ice evolution were assessed through microstructural analyses, involving also improvement of sampling and analysis techniques. As testified by measurements of biomass as well as primary and bacterial production, a viable conununity of Arctic sea-ice organisms could be established in the ice. While currents had a considerable impact on ice structural evolution, ice organisms were mostly affected by thermal forcing and the light regime. In separate enclosures, bioremediation strategies in oilpolluted sea ice were studied. A further component of the experimental program was devoted to particle entrainment into the ice cover and wave-ice interaction.


Year: 1998

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