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A Model for Dynamic Ice Interactions with Molikpaq

Author(s): T. G. Brown; B. D. Wright; B. Rogers; M. Jefferies; J. R. Bruce

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The paper describes the principal features of a multi degree of freedom mechanical representation designed to model the ice force and corresponding response of Gulf's mobile arctic caisson, MOLIKPAQ, during dynamic ice events. While deployed at Amauligak I-65 in the winter of 1985-86, the MOLIKPAQ experienced a number of dynamic ice interactions with first-year and multi-year ice features. During these events, the onboard instrumentation system was used to collect a large amount of data on the response of the MOLIKPAQ. The events also raised questions regarding the stability of the MOLIKPAQ, and particularly the sand core, during dynamic ice events. As a result of these questions, Gulf Canada embarked on a study of MOLIKPAQ dynamics, of which one part was the development of a numerical model to describe the interactions. This paper describes the features of the numerical model, and how they were derived, and then presents some results obtained from the model showing the sensitivity of its results to certain parameters. Further, the paper presents some comparisons between the measured responses and the modelled responses for certain of the sensors on the structure. The discrepancies between the modelled and measured responses are discussed and possible areas for improvement suggested. The implications of the model results in terms of future performance of MOLIKPAQ or similar structures are discussed with a view to long-term deployment of structures for the development of hydrocarbon resources in the Beaufort Sea. The actual deployments of MOLIKPAQ after the 1985/86 drilling season, and the measures taken to mitigate adverse dynamic behaviour, are also highlighted.


Year: 1992

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