Author(s): V. V. Ivanov; Yu V. Nalimov
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: To investigate the ice thermal regime in the mouth areas of the Siberian rivers, ship- and air-borne observations are being widely used including radar facilities, infrared radiometers, piranometers and albedometers of the aircraft type and visual observations, aerial surveys and aerial hydrometry. The collected by the present time data allowed us to typify the river mouths by a character of freezing and break-up, to reveal areas, where annually ice jams occur and also areas with the maximum ice thickness, to obtain the distribution of water surface temperatures and also the reflectivity of the snow-ice cover. On the basis of these data new methods were developed for calculations and forecasting of ice thickness, ice edges in the off-delta areas, ice thermal regime changes due to anthropogenic impact, water temperature and the dates of the onset of ice formation. Collected data on ice thermal processes in the river mouth areas, as well as methods for calculations and forecasting are widely used both to provide for the needs of the economic activity and in planning of water engineering and construction works in the Arctic.
Year: 1990