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The Finnish River Ice Research Project - the Numerical River Ice Model in Use

Author(s): Mikko Huokuna

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Abstract: To enable the development and calibration of a numerical river ice model a four-year project was started in 1985 by the Association of Finnish Power Stations, some hydroelectric power companies and the National Board of Waters. The project was also funded by the Ministry for Trade and Industry. The main task of the project was to develop a numerical model which can be used as an engineering tool when the damages caused by frazil ice and ice break-up are to be minimized. The field observations needed for development, calibration and verification of the model were carried out during three winters in four river reaches, with lengths of 38 -62 km. The main numerical observation data was stored in a data bank to be easily used for further analyses. The final report of the project is now ready. The response from the users of the model is now waited before further development of the model. During the River Ice Research Project the model was used to simulate ice conditions at the four study reaches. The model has also been used for Perhonjoki, Seinajoki and Kyronjoki rivers in Finland and for the Jing-Mi Canal in China. The model is a combination of an one-dimensional flow model and the modeling of water temperature, ice cover formation, growth and decay. It includes the components for solution of the one-dimensional dynamic flow equations, flow simulation around islands, calculation of heat exchange, solution of the longitudinal water temperature distribution, formation of frazil and skim ice (moving surface ice), border ice formation dynamic ice cover formation, deposition and erosion of frazil under the ice cover, thermal growth and decay of the ice cover and simulation of ice cover friction factor. In this paper a brief description of the model and the calculation result's are given.


Year: 1990

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