Author(s): Mark Mawhinney
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: A number of published experimental data were compared, in order to define relationships and trends between major field variables and mechanical properties. Results used were from pre-1985. Simple correlative techniques were used since, in many cases, data points were few and ill-defined. Furthermore, it was felt that empirical relationships might have greater justification than theoretical in a field involving random variation and complex functional relationships. Comparison of a number of data sets allows a check of the repeatibility of test results. The analysis revealed that repeatibility was generally poor. A set of graphs were produced although space precludes their inclusion in the paper. At present, work at Hokkaido University, Japan, is continuing into the problem of a universal curve incorporating simple functional relationships for all parameters involved. However, through preliminary examination of the repeatibility and applicability of empirical functions, this present study illustrates the problems inherent in such an exercise.
Year: 1988