Author(s): Mauri Maattanen
Linked Author(s): Mauri Määttänen
Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: A review of the models of self-excited ice-induced vibrations, caused by laterally moving ice cover, in slender vertical structures, is made. Definitions of self-excited vibration parameters, flexibility, energy interchange, strain rate effects, etc. are given. Presented models are reviewed, and their pitfalls discussed. Objections against self-excited model are shown to be related to omitting the prerequisites when the self-excited model is applicable. The self-excited model succeeds in predicting the ice-structure interaction forces at all strain rates from ductile to brittle ice failure mode in flexible structures. At low ice velocities a saw tooth like a periodic forcing function is a result of subsequent ice failures with the period dependent on the flexibility of the structure and on the ice failure load. At higher velocities, around transition from ductile to brittle, a self-excited type lock-in with the lowest dynamically unstable natural frequency will occur. At velocities resulting in totally brittle ice failure, interaction ice forces are random.
Year: 1988