Author(s): Kathryn A. Forland; Jean-Claude Tatinclaux
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: In the growing field of ice engineering there is a need to establish standardized model tests of structures for use in ice environments. This study was designed to investigate the relative influence of various parameters on the kinetic friction coefficient between ice and different surfaces and determine which of those variables would need future, in-depth investigation. Friction tests were performed with urea-doped, columnar ice, and the parameters of normal pressure, velocity, type of material, material roughness. Ice hardness and test configuration were studied. Tests were conducted by pulling a loaded sample of ice over a sheet of material and by pulling a loaded sample of material over an ice sheet. An ambient temperature of -1.5°C ± 1°C was maintained throughout the testing process, and the ice surface hardness was measured using a specially designed apparatus. The experimental results of the friction tests revealed that the behavior of y with varying velocity was significantly influenced by the test configuration and material roughness. The magnitude of the kinetic friction coefficient was also affected by varying normal pressure, ice hardness, surface roughness and type of material.
Year: 1984