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Regularity of the Freezing-up of the Water Surface and Heat Exchange Between Water Body and Water Surface

Author(s): Vaclav Matousek

Linked Author(s): Vaclav Matousek

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: An ice cover on the river surface is formed due to two basic processes. The first, called statical, is based on the spreading of shore ice"'ln the direction of the stream line in the river. The second, called dynamic, is related to slush ice run, its stopping in front of an obstacle on the surface, to the formation of a cohesive ice carpet and its freezing-up into an ice cover. The paper deals with the static process of ice cover formation. It explains the production of shore ice and of a primary ice layer based on the thermal balance of the water surface. Using a theoreticalexperimental method, the relation for the coefficient of heat transfer between the water and water surface is derived and the temperature of the water surface at which freeze-up begins is determined. These data are used for the mathematical formulation of the necessary and at the same time sufficient condition for the creation of a immovable primary ice layer on the surface. The validity of this condition is demonstrated by several measurement and observation results on rivers with various characteristics.


Year: 1984

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