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Study and Modeling of Cross-Shore Sediment Transport at Zarabad Fishery Port

Author(s): Mohammad Tabasi, Mohsen Soltanpour, Mantripathi Prabath Ravindra Jayaratne

Linked Author(s): Mohammad Tabasi

Keywords: Numerical models, cross-shore sediment transport, beach profile evolution, seasonal variation.

Abstract: Several numerical models have been developed to calculate cross-shore sediment transport and beach profile evolution. Beach profile change in long term is highly related to seasonal variations. In a numerical modeling, accurate simulation of hydrodynamics, sediment transport and morphological changes is necessary for accurate prediction of the beach profile evolution. Most of existing beach profile models is valid under storm conditions. The present study is focused on seasonal variation of beach profiles of a case study, at Zarabad Fishery Port. LITPROF and a developed two-dimensional beach profile evolution model are used to simulate seasonal variations of beach profiles at a time scale from months to a year. The developed model is capable to compute the sediment concentrations and velocities in and outside of the surf zone under distinct modes, and it is proved to be a useful tool to predict the beach profile evolutions


Year: 2017

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