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Sph Modeling of Tsunami Propagation and Highest Run-Up: Case Study - Okushiri Island Tsunami

Author(s): Ahmed M. Abdelrazek, Ichiro Kimura, Yasuyuki Shimizu

Linked Author(s): Ahmed Abdelrazek Ibrahim

Keywords: Hydrodynamics, SPH method, Okushiri Tsunami, shallow water, simulation

Abstract: This paper discusses the advantages of the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method based on shallow water equation (SWE) to simulate flood inundation owing to rapidly varying flow, such as dam breaks and tsunamis. The open boundary condition with buffer zones at the inflow and outflow boundaries using Riemann invariants was implemented in the SPH-SWE model. The SPH-based SWE model is used to simulate the laboratory observations of the 1993 Okushiri Tsunami. The numerical results obtained from the SPH model are compared with the experimental data. The comparisons indicated that the model has the capability to simulate free-surface flows in areas with complicated bathymetry and irregular coastline


Year: 2017

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